SEO - Search Engine Optimization, Internet Marketing, SEO Tips, PPC, SMO, SEM
This blog is a monitoring tool on SEO, positioning, and visibility of websites. You can read the latest information on search engine optimization (SEO) and news about marketing search engines in the USA. Also a selection of current tools, and a reminder of basic principles on optimization for beginners and insiders, will help you benchmark and improve the positioning of your website.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
What to avoid with your AdWords campaigns
Stop the Content Network
Always remember to turn off content network. You do not want to receive traffic from other sites via links from Google Adsense as they attract the traffic not covered. You can turn the content network using "edit campaign settings" button when you are installing your campaign.
Too many keywords per ad group
Limit the amount of keywords per ad group less than 25 keywords. More than 25 keywords can negatively affect your quality points for the more keywords you have, the less they are to be relevant to your ad.
Grouping of keyword
Group your keywords around a common keyword and make sure that this is shown in your ad. eg common keyword: antique maps
Keywords: antique maps, antique maps of buying, selling antique maps, original antique maps, antique discovery
Buy Antique Maps Online
Get the original antique maps
Hundreds of rare maps and prints / antiquemaps.html
Use not only the broad match type
Google gives you the option of using three types of match keyword: - Large: antique maps, expression, "antique maps" and require [ancient maps]. Use all three grabs your campaigns for each keyword. You then have greater control of how your campaign is targeted.
Do not put your daily budget so low
You should set your daily budget keeping in mind the number of impressions you receive and not just clicks. Remember that you will receive a much smaller% as actual clicks and ads displayed will rarely if your budget is so low.
Offer for the traffic not covered
Remember that you are not in this business to get traffic but to make profits! So be not offered too high just to get a good rank, you must ensure that any price you offer is covered by your return on investment.
Conversely you still need a good ranking position for any traffic at all and you should therefore ensure that your quality points of the season (QS) are good. (I discussed how you can improve your QS in more detail in previous articles.)
There are many specialized techniques available to improve your QoS that are too detailed to cover in this article and you should investigate further the best guides available. I review the best on my website so feel free to check it out.
The most important thing to keep in mind when installing your campaign is relevance and selection of highly targeted keywords and ads. You must also ensure that researchers clicking on your ads actually look to make a purchase, so make sure first that you have searched your site specific customer and have identified their needs.
Good luck!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Web Hosting
In the business of short duration, content and communications found their home on the Web. The caddy is the essence of online business, but now many small traders (and some large) sell their bowl of articles of other services like Amazon, Yahoo or eBay. They provide not only the transaction and the technologies available, but also they bring what is more important for commerce: the customers. Store greeted Amazon, Yahoo or eBay has instant access to millions of customers around the world.
The economic model of application-service-provider is a living example of several of these new houses that were formely hosted on its server.
Everything is outscored, event the function of the construction of research on many websites. There are only a few larger sites that must implement their own research, other uses Google.
Email is also a function won on points, as the example that dose not Gmail or Yahoo to Google utilisationle 'snail mail, were made to the accounts are free and you have a whole gigabyte for storage. Think how many offers web hosting provide you a gigabyte per user, even for a fee? So if all applications are moving out of the data processing center web hosting, why is there a web host to do? What can you continue to offer your customers?
So you see, all the applications you move out of the central data processing web hosting. And what can you do the web host?
Certainly, here comes the answer: "value migrates to adjacent layers detail" for this case that value migrates to services. The web hosting providers establish strong businesses to survive chronomètrent though.
By the constant changing nature of Internet services, which embrace instead, compete, migration of services from data processing center Web Hosting are the most important. Customers who are helped to migrate on gmail, or other big companies like Amazon, eBay or Yahoo, will represent a major step web host progressive.
But the migration process is not easy, so you must help your customers with tool kits and free libraries to help in this entire process of migration.
And what will the future of the web hosting industry.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Optimization of Article
Each site has an online file index or default file as its home page. But apart from this rule you can call the other pages whatever you like. So why not cram the names of keywords and / or key phrases on this page and your location? We just scored again -)
For example, exercise-equipment-reviews.htm is our magazines.
Note the hyphen again always trying to avoid using spaces by calling your files or pages. You will get a 20% look horrible appearing, which is something the Mariners throw in there to represent a space.
If we call then the link to this page of our other pages "exercise equipment reviews," and we also make the link bold mark a globe gather points on Se. If you then use other techniques described on this page to optimize the page exercise-equipment-reviews.htm around the phrase "exercise equipment reviews. You'll be well on your way to get a top listing in search engines. -)
Keywords and phrases in a link and the name of a file pages are very important propellants. Anyone would be a fool not to optimize them to handle. But this is often overlooked and simply not known.
Name your images correctly and use their alt tags.
Each image file displayed on a location is linked with a line of code containing the path to the image. So along the lines of our strategy above link lets use this link and fill in keywords.
For example we have a picture on our home page with a piece of exercise equipment. Let the name-image exercise equipment.jpg. Most sites store their images in a folder called images, logical, but there is a missed opportunity there. Let's call our Exercise Equipment image file.
So what we as a link to our picture is the src = "exercise-equipment/exercise-equipment.jpg" very nice.
Is there more but, all images should have an alt tag is the label controls text that is obvious when you role over an image, the little yellow box that appears with a description? Hmmm ... what should we do with it -) You guessed stick our keywords in there.
Is it it is for pictures? not quite there one more turn I let out the bag here. Its very simple but effective, add a link to your image to an appropriate page, or you do not want it to lead anywhere link it back to the page its on. One way or another you will score more for keywords in the link as mentioned above. -)
So you should have something like this - a width = "of" exercise equipment "alt = the" Exercise equipment of the IMG src = href = "http:// exercise-equipment-review . htm "/ exercise-equipment.jpg" 113 "border =" 0 "of the height =" 123 "
Just look at all those juicy keywords. This little technique is little known and is another opportunity wasted.
Pages and card slot door.
A site map simply consists of links to all pages on your site. It may be that the way you have structured your site you will have some pages that do not bind them. Having a site map linked to every page not only helps direct visitors to your site but also acts as a route for the "spiders" to crawl your entire site quickly and easily. Positive thinking all these links to juicy keyword and key phrase to a page. -)
Doorway pages include techniques already mentioned on this page but taken that little bit further. Essentially pages focus heavily around a key phrase and use the techniques mentioned here sometimes at the expense of grammar and readability. A doorway page exists for a listing in Getting to the key sentence and once visited him just a link to the main site.
If your site is small enough then it may be useful to have some doorway pages covered by keyphrase. If your sites more there is no reason why you can not concentrate on existing pages keyphrase properly as described here and do the same job as a doorway page.
Link Exchange.
Over the last 2 or 3 years or so links showing your location have become extremely important. To conduct the following Google put more emphasis on the related links and a suitable location a. Moreover, these links are the best rank of your best pitches. It is important to state that not just any old link will suffice although this helps a suitable link would be much more beneficial.
So back to our site as an example - sales of exercise equipment and location of magazines that is everything. This is an area large enough by itself anyway. But what if we exchanged links with a site selling exercise clothing, One of our keywords is in there that is even better. We add value to our location, adds value to their location as our position is amplified in the Se and Se provides better results. Everyone is a winner.
It is not good enough just to find appropriate locations. In the best case you should find sites that perform well in the already Se. Link to one of these sites will give your site a great boost.
But how do you discover how a site is ranked? Try these two free tools -
Google Toolbar - I'm sure Google needs no introduction. Other than that once you've installed the little horizontal green bar in the middle of the toolbar shows the page rank (PR) of any site you visit. Other advantages of the toolbar include, search Google from anywhere on your top, an automatic stop and autofill form the device, write your details once and every time you complete a form online you can do with one click.
Toolbar Alexa - Alexa is a search engine owned by Amazon . This toolbar into much more detail about a site you visit. You can check its position, which binds to it and even turn to look at the time and location as it was years ago. There is also a search feature for Alexa and Google, and a search feature for Amazon embedded, so you can find any of them from any location. Handy to order these books, CDs and DVDs.
The other advantage of these toolbars is that they track down the sites you visit. Not in any way intrusive and completely anonymous. What this means is that if you visit your site regularly just by having the toolbars you have installed amplify its ranks. -)
I recommend you install these two tools. They set up across the top of Internet Explorer in the address bar. It only takes a minute or two to install and its done without any need to download the software. Once installed you can always right - click on them and close if they get in the way. Very handy little things.
To check a link popularity of sites try this handy online tool
Search engines and tenders.
To complete this section and tie things up for me to say a bit about behind which search engines to submit and why, how to go about it and why you need to pay nothing into the principal Se.
Google is king of search engines produce the most accurate and appropriate results in searching for and raise until recently "crawled / spidered" the Web once every six weeks or so, doing what was called the "dance Google. " Supposedly because while their database was updated to rank sites could shift significantly for a few days before settling back down. This has now been arrested as of Q2 2003.
Google constantly ramp now and there is no longer any major change in schedules. The entry in Google is free and can be very fast, probably paid listing parextérieur fastest. A site should appear on Google within six weeks of submitting the URL. It's always a long time to wait, but it sets quite well if you use the next little tactic I will explain after the next two paragraphs.
The relationship between Se have changed dramatically again over the last 12 months.
(For an illustration useful and informative reports current commander Se cast a glance at this diagram . If your new to Se optimizing you will probably find this a real eye opener)
Google has been providing search results for AOL and Yahoo in particular. Yahoo has bought out the main opening of Se for millions of dollars and several months later bought out another less well known but Is Significantly, Inktomi, which actually provide lists MSN, openness, HotBot, BBC yet for millions of dollars.
Yahoo is now consolidating these engines fundamentally restructure and I'm sure its own search algorithms to provide places for these engines online. Yahoo currently charges a listing in the directory $ 299 last time I checked. But since they brought their new search engine separated from their directory there is no need to pay to get into yahoo.
So most of the edge by far the fastest and get your site crawled by search engines is to employ a tactic called blog and ping . This will call for major search engine spiders over to your location when you choose and get listed within days . Keep this up and your entire site, all pages will be indexed before you know it. Click on the link above for more information from my friend Rick ends.
(A word of warning from stay "submit your site links to 1500 Model Search Engine" that you find around the web today, you just end up with loads of spam emails. The majority of With traffic comes from six main Se.)
Submit hand or automated software?
Do not gush neither one nor the other really today. You can index your home page simply by finding another location to exchange links with. Google says that they really prefer to find sites by crawling the Web rather than by their submission service. This will work much faster than the submission service.
If you choose to submit to search engines then I usually recommend to submit by hand one by one. I did this for the past five years. Simply because the software available to submit a site was not up to the job. But finally there is a piece of software that is up to the job and more than that it helps with the selection of keywords, optimizing your check site pages, check broken links, shows your popularity link channels and brings visitors to your and realize your position in all major engines for your chosen keywords.
In the past there was a chance that a site could be or be not even listed on the blacklist if it were submitted by the software. This software overcomes this problem by simulating a browser every time it processes the search engines, either submit your site or account for his rank.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
10 steps to build highly targeted and responsive opt in fast and easy email address
We've all heard that in order to stay in business online you need to build under "Opt-In" list.
Well ... I really have to agree with this simply because this is where you will always have a consistent source of FREE targeted traffic (also known as "sticky traffic") to promote your offers or information relating to during years to come.
It seems you just reasonable, do not you say?
And we all know that the "email" is where the $ MONEY $ is really doing when it comes to launching your business online because it gives you the ability to monitor your potential customers until they decide buy from you.
But the problem that usually occurs is that people do not know where to start when it comes to building there own targeted Opt-In list.
Now, for those of you who are new Internet marketing and do not know what "Opt-In" list is, here's a quick definition:
"Opt-In" list is simply a database of peoples names and email addresses that have subscribed to an email list via a web form giving that list owner permission from their send periodic emails on the subject they are interested in it.
Notice how I said, "giving that list owner permission to send email."
When they subscribe to your Opt-In list they give you permission to send them offers or information on the material they are interested in, this is known as "email marketing permission.
This is the ABSOLUTE safest form of email marketing where you will not get accused of "spam."
It's very important that you understand this from the beginning.
So now that you have a clear idea in your mind of what Opt-In list is and how it will benefit you and your business, I guess it's time to share with you the "Ten simple step "The process that I Have to lift you above how to build your own targeted Opt-In list you can send your offers at any time for $ Profit $.
Selection of step # 1. your target or place.
It is a very important step because this is where you need to figure out who your target will be to get your product or service offering.
Thus, for example, if I was interested in selling a book related to Internet Marketing, well then, my target would be Internet marketing related.
Step # 2. Your target site or can it be brought online?
This step is where you need to do a little research on whether your particular target can be achieved online.
To do this you need to do some keyword search using keywords related to your target.
You can do this by using the keywords research tool opening located at the URL I provided below.
Simply enter the keywords related to your target in the form provided.
This will give you a detailed history of how research has been done in 30 days on keywords related to your target.
Generally, if your targeted keywords are not taking in 15,000 searches per month or more, then this is a market I do not sue simply because there is not much demand for it.
Step # 3. Do they earn money in this place?
This is where you should do research on your competitors to see if people spend any money in this place.
You can do this by attacking at Google and enter your targeted keywords related to your place in the form provided.
This will give you a list of search results.
These results are your competition, but more important, to the right you'll notice little ads.
These are paid ads offered by Google Adwords.
This means that someone is willing to pay to advertise and pays attention to this special place and needs to earn money if they are willing to pay for advertising.
This is good news for you.
Step # 4. Use the forum to find your target problems.
Forums are a great place to find exactly what your problems UPPER potential customers simply by scanning the posts here and research the most common threads.
By doing this you will know immediately what your problems UPPER targets and you can help solve the problem.
To find the forum was reported to visiting Google in place and simply takes your targeted keywords with "+ forums" after your keyword. (Eg sales + Internet forum)
Step # 5. Obtaining the care that they want?
This is where you need to figure out what keeps them from getting what they want to fix the problems they treat, meaning, this is where you need to work with them to find a solution to the problems there.
If its a product they need or service of some kind.
Step # 6. What can you offer to solve this problem?
This is where the money is spent.
Now the only thing you need to receive your share of income is a product or a service that will solve your problem of potential customers.
If you do not have a product or service of your own do not get discouraged.
I'll give you two resources where you can find the products or services that you can become an affiliate for that are related to any place that will pay you a commission every sale you make by simply referring your traffic to there website.
The two websites to visit are and
Step # 7. installed a mini-site simple direct answer.
Here is where you install your wire producing website with a tracking system that will come to your potential customers and Opt-In to your list to begin receiving offers or information on the subject or problem they have.
Process is very simple to do and you can view my website as an example of what we look like.
If you can not build your own website you can always hire someone to do it for you by going ...
Step # 8. get an account autoresponder.
This is where you will throw down the foundations for your list.
You MUST be a system account autoresponder before you make your mini-site to become available because this is where your potential customers are coming here to submit the name and email address so you can start building a list to send your offers or information about.
So do not miss this important step.
Step # 9. You need to figure out what "bait" to use.
By this I mean the "seed" is ... what are you going to offer them for free to get them to subscribe to your Opt-In list.
Here are some examples of what you can use as "bait": ebooks, special reports, mini courses, good, etc..
These are the most common. It really depends on who you target, so be creative.
Step # 10. reach out to your target.
This is the room where you send traffic to your website to get subscribers.
I will mention only two.
These methods are the most powerful and for good reason, they work.
The first method is writing articles.
Writing articles by your appearance your target you are someone who knows how to help solve the problem and there may be a possible solution for them.
This is the quickest way to establish instant credibility in your niche.
The second method is to send targeted traffic to your mini-site through Pay-Per-Click search engines.
Pay-Per-Click search engines are where you provide the conditions for keywords related to your target and are listed according to the highest bid for that keyword limit.
By using PPC search engines, it will get you infront of your target immediately.
Writing articles gives you instant credibility and put you infront of thousands of readers, and Pay-Per-Click search engines send you a highly targeted traffic to your website within minutes lesoù Search Engine PPC you employ.
The more you send your website traffic, more subscribers you will receive.
It's just a numbers game.
Well ... there you have it, "10 steps to build fast and highly targeted and responsive easy Opt-In List."
... Now it's up to you to take the measures necessary to get started with your own set Opt-In list.
If you already implement existing web business online simple steps outlined above to your existing website.
These are the 10 basic steps required to obtain your Opt-In list building started in the right direction.
Earn Money on Internet-What is your items
If you have not heard the word "place" being batted around byInternet buyers then you have listened. The conclusion of the Aniche has become the antidote to the overly competitive market saturatedonline.
What is up?
According to the online dictionary of Merriam-Webster isdescribed a place as "location, employment status, or activity for the person or thing ... Which is better adapted a specialized market."
Have you noticed that despite the closure of many economic time inthese sometimes harsh business trainstore the local pastime is still around? That the restaurant "hole-in-the-wall" isthriving? Or that trends such as scrapbooking can start with Abang and then close in a year as four similar businessesstart up in the same area?
Earning money on the Internet to making money on internetreflects qu'expérimentées the same trends in the offline world - often with faster turnover and startup rates. Those whom the product or location of development which are a small, selected tapinto can support a market that is otherwise not used. Despite thelimitations the customer base, nature sight thebusiness creates a dedicated and active market - the aim of anybusiness.
Finding a place requires diligent research. If you haveaccess software that harvests and matches the information or youtake a manual approach, you must start with ideas.
With a brilliant idea for a pen and paper (or computer, if it's more comfortable) a list of companies, products and industries. create a list of keywords and phrases you think would be used for searching for these items byindividuals. This is a very importantstep to make money online. Do not take any shortcuts here.
Using software such as WordTracker or a free resourcesuch as selector tool keyword opening keywordsin type your search words and with a high amount of traffic.
Although a program like WordTracker can give you more detailssuch as how many sites compete for that market, you can also doyour own research.
Focus your attention on question phrases such as "how to doi ..." or "where can I ...." These questions you want the index markets intopotential needing maintenance.
Next look in Google Answers. Type some of your keywords. We ask what is the cost Whatquestions and people wanting to payfor answers? If you find a group of keywords with high searches for a numberof introduce these words in your search engine.
What mount locations? Do they provide answers or solutions to theproblem? How do they earn money on the Internet? Can you seean opportunity to serve these individuals with your own internetbusiness.
Finding a place can be a gateway to a profitable onlinebusiness. Search the market and make sure your productor service is valuable to this group. Find forums or groups that support the thattarget and pay close attention to their concerns.
If you can help these people you will earn money on the TheInternet. The best of both worlds!
Adsense, boost your payout 400%, no really
What's this?
Sorry can not resist the intrigue.
It is very simple. Using the banner 728 x 90 Leaderboard I added small images / photos above each ad at 140 x 100.
These photos are largely related to the ads and draw the visitor's eye to the ad. That only the announcement perhaps would not do. Once their eye is drawn they read the ad text below the image and they are much to click.
Google already knows of this tactic and I know a number of people approached them via email before implementing the images. Obviously nobody wants their account suspended. The good news is Google are fine with them, for now at least. Although a few warnings are out in respect of animated images not being appropriate. So no flash or animated gifs!
You can watch this in action on one of my spots -
You can not see the above page.
Now I hope that this new information to you. If so I know it will be damn useful. And most profitable!
The advantage of this over Google's own 'image ads' is, you choose the image for an ad and basic text calls for another. As I'm sure you're aware of ads work better than text ads image. This seems to work better than both separately by combining them together, the main thrust came from you can choose the most appropriate image to your site content.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The command link is back on Bing (MSN)
In 2007, someone had found a solution to run the command again link and linkdomain on msn, it was enough to add a + before the link command (eg: + link:, see my article on the subject:
Link and linkdomain commands on MSN Search
The command was again clamped few months after that discovery.
How to get backlinks Bing then?
It earlier this week I came across, how to run the link command on BING (MSN Live).

Just add quotes to orders link or linkdomain to get backlinks, which gives for example:
Example: =% 22link% 3ahttp% 3a% 2f%
Example: =%% 22linkdomain 3ahttp% 3a% 2f%
Http:// attention can alter the results, no link with http:// in contrast with linkdomain yes.
In collaboration with 512Banque we prepared a first version of a php script that retrieves the first 200 links Bing, the script works but can be largely improved in terms of speed and to overcome this limit of 200 (c ' is a story of cookies ...) here in the archive:
" Download the zip file
Installing the script:
1. Download the zip file above
2. Unzip the archive and upload it all on your server in a folder
3. Change the file bing.php variables $ $ site and choix_commande
4. Call the file from your browser bing.php and arm yourself with patience
5. That's it