Monday, March 14, 2011

Google accuses Bing of copying its search results!

Google has openly stated that Microsoft copies the search results of Google for its search engine Bing.

These charges are quite high but appear to be based. Google has now decided to trap by creating pages Microsoft cans with words that do not exist, displays pages Bing in the same way as Google.

With research hiybbprqag:

Google accuses Bing

With research mbzrxpgjys:

Google accuses Bing

With research indoswiftjobinproduction:

Google accuses Bing

According to the internet giant, the Trojan would be Internet Explorer as the browser would allow Bing retrieve search results from Google via code.

At Microsoft or Steve Ballmer or Stefan Weitz (director Bing) have commented on the situation at the moment ...

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