Monday, March 28, 2011

The command link is back on Bing (MSN)

Msn deleted the link and linkdomain command for several years to prevent abuses of webmasters / SEOs who would not stop scraper backlinks.
In 2007, someone had found a solution to run the command again link and linkdomain on msn, it was enough to add a + before the link command (eg: + link:, see my article on the subject:
Link and linkdomain commands on MSN Search
The command was again clamped few months after that discovery.
How to get backlinks Bing then?
It earlier this week I came across, how to run the link command on BING (MSN Live).

Just add quotes to orders link or linkdomain to get backlinks, which gives for example:


Example: =% 22link% 3ahttp% 3a% 2f%


Example: =%% 22linkdomain 3ahttp% 3a% 2f%

Http:// attention can alter the results, no link with http:// in contrast with linkdomain yes.
In collaboration with 512Banque we prepared a first version of a php script that retrieves the first 200 links Bing, the script works but can be largely improved in terms of speed and to overcome this limit of 200 (c ' is a story of cookies ...) here in the archive:
" Download the zip file
Installing the script:
1. Download the zip file above
2. Unzip the archive and upload it all on your server in a folder
3. Change the file bing.php variables $ $ site and choix_commande
4. Call the file from your browser bing.php and arm yourself with patience
5. That's it

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The new google analytics, what's new? Quick tour of the property!

Since a few days Google has announced the availability of the smallest number in a first step, a new version of its web analytics, the aptly named Google Analytics!

After registering jy have access since this morning. This day is enough for me to give you a first glimpse of the changes (or changes) major.


Already on the ergonomics, engineers have discovered the Google Ajax and ergonomic inputs provided by the JavaScript . Now you have access to all data of the tool through the left menu that will unfold, no need to click on the category mother to discover the parties 'daughter'.

Now it is possible to define relationships (or homepages) custom . For example it is possible to define a "home" instead of marketing, another SEM , SEO ... These reports can then be accessed quickly by tabs.


Now (or soon) you can select multiple segments developed without the overall segment selected automatically.

When one or more segments are selected, one, or, small graphics appear to give information about the share of traffic, page views that represent the segments .... This may seem like a gimmick, but ultimately the fact of have this information continuously as a thumbnail is quite handy in some cases.

For comparisons between periods, Google facilitates the choice of predetermined periods ie day, week or month.

A test performed is that I would have liked to test on large volumes to check if the acquisition of various data has been accelerated, and whether the tool accepts without extrapolation of the data most important in terms of numbers.

That's the moment I come back to you if I discover new features that may change your life and the vision that some may have this tool webanalytics .

You will find the original article by Google on their blog .

Update 23/03/11: it is also possible to define real dashboards by integrating analytics widgets. It is obliged to have curves, it really set the desired information These dashboards can be a very quick overview of your data. Similarly reports that can create multiple.

We are not much ...

Yes, We Are Not much in front of nature unleashed. Since Friday the over-logged as I live in Step With new disasters and from Japan. Earthquake, tsunami and now nuclear disaster! All my thoughts are of course the Japanese to face terrible ordeal. Be it far from me to want to make a post to get traffic is this theme, Which I find unhealthy, i did not want to post to The SEO in this rainy Sunday. So I'll just relay the Initiative of Other search engines and for Victims of Earthquake in Japan.

Google and Its Various tools and Useful
As He Had done pour la earthquake of Haiti, Google Provides Some tools to find gold deferral person in Japan. Through a precise form Enough CAN search for a missing person. The data are made public so That More Can Participate in reporting or research of persons Whose whereabouts Such are unknown.
Also Google as part of its "Google Crisis Response," a page Offers Dedicated To The earthquake in Japan. On it are:
• So a call via the Red Cross
• links to view current alerts
• links to track information on research forums
• links for information about transport (train, bus, plane)
• links for information on the electrical blackout
• a map with useful information
• a box of "latest news" from Google News
• a video from youtube and a link to a video streaming (and Japanese)
• a block with the latest tweets on the subject
Until then Google's initiative seems noble but we all know that this is not trivial. But it's done with enough sensitivity so that no one takes offense.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Twitter Marketing Guide

Everyone talks about it, Twitter continues his mad progress, and more to become a real addiction for some, twitter seems to encourage more and more interest from brands and artists and even But basically what the marketing possibilities of Twitter? Its limits? How to find a place and benefit for a brand? Follow the guide! (Test small synthetic)
Note : of course, the service is still "confidential" in France and is still not as mainstream in the U.S. but nothing beats a bit of projection and analysis of what is happening across the Atlantic.

What is Twitter? (For beginners)
In case you're wondering always the question, asking the basics: Twitter is a platform of " microblogging " . It is a tool to post short messages (maximum 140 characters) that includes a social function: the ability to track people (following) or be followed (Followers). Following someone and you receive all messages that position, and vice versa, your "followers" instantly receive the message you "tweet" .
Why Twitter in a marketing strategy?
But after all, why Twitter? Why not consolidate his reputation online through Facebook or just its website rather than take the risk of diluting its message through social media for?
Twitter is its characteristic speed of propagation of a message, since twitter (or tweet) may be republished (retweeted) by another person in a single click. It was learned via Twitter the bombings in Mumbai, the burning of the CCTV Tower in China and is even on Twitter that the Milwaukee police moved quickly made announcements:
"Latest homicide in the city is NOT a random act. Male, 33, shot in 1500 block N. 39. More details as We Have Them. "
The uses for a business are many:
• Perform the previous day for a company or brand. With the rapid spread of a message on Twitter, you can react early and before it is too late to Bad Buzz, or where the image takes a hit (as we saw for Domino's Pizza recently for example). Twitter Search allows real-time monitoring what is said on a particular word or name.
• Follow a buzz . Using the same principle, Twitter allows one to monitor the impact of a campaign or message by measuring the number of messages on this campaign for example.
• Describe his target . Following the news of the followers of a mark, there is thus a fairly representative idea of what the target looks and what she likes.
• Building a dialogue . How do I know what potential customers will prefer? Simply asking them! By asking an open question via Twitter, and building a dialogue (see the 10 mistakes not to do on Twitter below) that will have the answer. Potential customers will also feel privileged to be involved in a step of creating a product.
• Improve the brand image . Scott Monty, Ford CEO said "I Believe That People Would Rather Have A Conversation with a personal Than a brand." To enable this custom dialog has just introduced s blog is personal and Twitter . Twitter allows for this special personalized and created a certain closeness between the mark and the public will be even beneficial! It is also an opportunity to rejuvenate the brand image through a differentiated communication.
• Promote content . Provided that there is content and that this is not a simple link to the Youtube video of the TV campaign for example. Twitter is viral, meaning it can convey a message (if it is original, effective or useful) very effectively for example through the retweets . It may on the same principle be used to make special announcements or promotions solely on Twitter as Dell does, with nearly 400,000 followers!
• Skip Twitter squatting . Like domain names, nicknames Twitter are quickly squatted by the crafty hoping to resell them at exorbitant prices. And Adidas , Levis and Nike are already taken by an individual.
• Relay event . The micro-blogging service can also be used to relay an event or sports results, as does its Cyberpresse Twitter . Rokia Traore has also twittering live music wins through You to You.
• Reduce costs . Finally, I conclude this list of advantages in cost, Twitter is free of course he will also have a much more personalized, efficient and relayed an e-mail.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing: Focus marketing on different modules

The facebook fan page: True interactive minisite for your brand or company. Flexible and customizable, the module replaces effectively groups wishing for a brand interact frequently with customers and prospects while benefiting from their strength of opinion leaders.
The fan page offers the advantage of a non-intrusive communication, once a user becomes a fan of your page, it has access to your updates as if it had one of its type amis.Ce Marketing helps build strong ties between the brand and its fans.
In addition, a fan page allows you to be visible to millions of Web surfers with the recommendations of friends to friends. The friends of each of your fans become fans because of the potential distribution through the flow of activity.
Facebook application: advertising format in itself, the facebook application, allows you to engage users in generating a much higher visibility to a mere bannire.Chaque Internet is a medium in itself, connected to all its Friends on Facebook (social graph).
This type of marketing on facebook, you can benefit from a superior to traditional formats virality: If your application creates user adoption, they can take ownership and recommend to their friends giving you the benefit of a viral real bonus. This performance is then monitored and analyzed through a tracker adapted.
Media buying: Choose the format, creation of advertising, defintion of the target pricing campaigns (CPM or CPC) on media buying requires a solid knowledge of marketing facebook.

Brand Strategy on Facebook

This presentation highlights some good ideas for brands on social networks including Facebook! They must develop a very specific strategy to be visible and effective. Explanation:

40 ideas & tips for facebook product pages:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Key performance indicators (KPI) are the only means by which any Web professional should be measuring SEO success.

The beauty of Web analytics, and The promise of the internet is the ability to Capture Nearly unlimited Amounts of data about your Web site. Without a clear Strategy to "measure What Matters," your Web analytics initiatives Will Quickly drown in a sea of data. So how can you turn thesis incredible data resources and actionable insights Into clear? A good place to start IS by Defining key performance indicators, or KPIs.

This paper IS Designed to Help You Understand KPIs and Metrics that define your support Organizational goals. What data you should "focus on? Who needs this information? How Are the different data delivery Needs and Mechanisms Between Various teams and job functions? And What Is The Most effective and impactful way to share key metrics across the Enterprise?

ClickTale to analyze the behavior of your visitors

It goes without saying, since we want to approach a project referencing a website, we speak implicitly analyzing user behavior, his visits to his user profile and so on.
The company turned to ClickTale User Experience (Experience Analytics) to provide solutions to this problem by providing tools oriented:
• The analysis of the behavior of the Web
• Visitor statistics
• The comprehensive marketing analysis of the user experience resulting
A nice set of tools called "tracking" (monitoring) to improve the performance of a website by improving its navigation and more broadly its ergonomics, its readability and accessibility.
I cite as examples some of the items offered:
• The recording of visits ("Visitor Recordings)
• The analyzer forms ("Form Analytics")
• The real-time monitoring of sources users ("Real Time Monitor")
• and many others ...
For more product information: visit ClickTale
An alternative to Google Analytics? Paid solution but seems to be working with many companies throughout the world because of its ease of access to information.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Reports of the participatory workshop SEO

SEO in the heart of Campus 2011, a participatory workshop SEO (brainstorming, without speakers) enabled fifty participants to deepen and discuss various topics SEO.

Here are the slides or text format, the reports by the workshop facilitators.

Workshops: Social Networking and SEO / / SEO for SMEs

Workshops: Duplicate Content

Workshop: Finding backlinks

Workshop: Should we respect the Google guidelines?

The workshop gave rise to lively discussion. One of the first questions addressed was that of meeting the guidelines. Proponents of "for" argued the qualitative approach and long-term approach of the white-hat approach. Supporters of the "cons" feel about them that Google itself is not necessarily ethical, that the black hat method can learn, and as white-hat is not enough to position themselves in certain cases.

Various discussions ensued. The link building is it de facto spam? Yes for some, as for gaining PageRank. Not for others, who point out that Google is especially artificial ties and exchanges excessive. SEO in itself is it spam? Yes for some, for referencing affects engine results. Not for others, who make a distinction between positive and negative.

Another debate has been what about the technique or intention characterizes spam. Thereupon, the reviews were less clear-cut. A statement was also made, which is that black hat techniques today are essentially the creation of incoming links.

Workshop: Writing web and SEO

This workshop was an opportunity to discuss best practices for writing web-oriented SEO and discuss the difficulties sometimes encountered.

We first income on the importance of structuring its content at both macro and micro. The issue of lexical field was discussed and a conclusion is that it is easy to reach a satisfactory number of occurrences for SEO. So instead of overloading a text can affect its readability, better expand the expressions used, playing on synonyms, variations and related terms.

Another good practice of writing web links within content. These links should be implemented as carriers of relevance. The subject of the search keywords was also discussed. The tools of suggestion engines are obviously useful, but do not neglect the study of user behavior in online communities for example.

Finally, a point that has not been satisfactorily resolved is the issue of spelling errors. In most cases it is not possible to optimize specifically (and cleanly) for faults. However a large number of queries in search engines are misspelled.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Google accuses Bing of copying its search results!

Google has openly stated that Microsoft copies the search results of Google for its search engine Bing.

These charges are quite high but appear to be based. Google has now decided to trap by creating pages Microsoft cans with words that do not exist, displays pages Bing in the same way as Google.

With research hiybbprqag:

Google accuses Bing

With research mbzrxpgjys:

Google accuses Bing

With research indoswiftjobinproduction:

Google accuses Bing

According to the internet giant, the Trojan would be Internet Explorer as the browser would allow Bing retrieve search results from Google via code.

At Microsoft or Steve Ballmer or Stefan Weitz (director Bing) have commented on the situation at the moment ...

Google Panda - Farmer Update or when the update is wreaking havoc farmer

The recent update of Google's algorithm also known as the American middle SEO "Google Update Farmer" (updated from the farmer) is one of the largest in its index.

And while 12% of search results are definitely changing, the new Google feature is already in the United States. And this time, "the farmer" has decided to put the emphasis on cleanliness, emphasizing quality over quantity.

But my god that this new algorithm is doing huge damage to some article sites like EzineArticles or major going to lose 90% of their traffic to their main keywords. See the Top 25 U.S. losers determined by the site

The most surprising is that sites like who decided to invest in the quality took a big slap, while other sites like Demand Media did not suffer virtually no loss ... Bizarre when we know that this change of algorithm was first the site of Demand Media.

No doubt that the ultimate decision of Google may not be obvious to manage content for their farms bring a lot of advertising revenue with Adsense. But then, who will keep the engine in its white list and who will suffer his wrath among identical sites in operation? The debate could be quite warm in the coming weeks ...

Especially since Google has also downgraded Google's competitors ... as TheFind Shopping, BizRate, ShopWiki, Buzzilions,, Kaboodle, Buzzillions, DigitalTrends, and GaltTech TestFreaks.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The New Google Algorithm Change does your SEO?

Google announced last week a little novelty in its positioning algorithm sites in search results as we had expected.

Google announced last week a little novelty in its positioning algorithm sites in search results as we had expected.

Farms contained in the crosshairs of Google

Matt Cuts has said the changes involved farms contained cons which Google wants to fight. As each time the brains behind the team "search" Google announces want to fight against low-quality sites that monopolize the search results. So for Google, the firm content are harmful to users, despite their popularity (never really proven, however).
Joking aside, the changes should reach 11.8% of queries with sites in their results which was now penalized and have been decommissioned!
Google account and go after once again the giants of Internet content. Among the actors from the farm to content found sites, and the Group Demand Media. These sites produce high quality information at very low cost by relocating their production of content.
Why the change?
Google has always sought to produce the best results (in the sense of: most relevant) based on research. However, the latest updates of the Google tend to think that the team "search engine" is increasingly difficult to provide good results.
The problem with Google is that these farms produce original content (but poor quality) that has long deceived engine results. We deduce that Google was therefore unable to identify a good quality content with a content of poor quality. We can assume that Google has included a human component in its algorithm for treating this type of site - at least temporarily - or has developed a tracking system even better than the last. Why is a human component? Because the number of query is already fully identified (11.8%) and that tells us that only those requests will change. But all this is pure speculation at this time.
The first results
For now, only the United States are affected by this update from Google but the first results are already published. And the least we can say is that it hurts!
Similarly, the U.S. Digital Inspiration blog has been categorized as "Farm to content" because of the large number of items made / write every day. It is not known yet if the results shown on the blog will last. If this the case the author of the trouble to do. On the other hand it seems to be an isolated case ...
For now, we can not say whether the quality of content will really improve with this new algorithm. It may be possible that people did not notice any difference. The fact is that it is likely that this does not change anything to your blog, website e-commerce site or storefront, for now ...
As for the professional SEO, a priori, they should not be impacted by these changes unless Google decides to systematically downgrade all Internet directories, articles directories, digg-like, etc.. At this time, the work of an SEO expert may be a little trickier - and again, an expert in SEO always a step ahead of Google!.
Still, as Google is not resting on its leading status and we are constantly offering something new to analyze and dissect.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Not to offend Google: SEO Technique

Google, real battlefields for SEOs gave nightmares to more than one company seeking his master positioning. The year 2010 was particularly rich in changing the algorithm for the famous engine. Arténet proposes an update on that.

Farms content
Internet scourge, though perfectly legal, farms are content to kill the new enemy for Google.
A farm is a site with content publishing the most articles as possible, whatever the subject. The goal is to attract as many visitors to generate revenue with advertising. Say like this, Google has no reason to try to penalize this kind of site it is quite normal to try to make the hearing.
Why this kind of site is then targeted by Google?
Simply because this principle detracts from the quality of the search engine. Indeed farms contained 99% of time publish articles without any added value, generic as possible, and bringing absolutely nothing to visitors seeking a specific answer. Mostly the writers play untiringly items at low qualities to the chain, with the only rule of repeating certain phrases as many times as possible in order to optimize the course listing.
The topics are all related news, the release of a film, the new episode of a series ... etc. The same topics are generated automatically based on user searches (found on Google Trends, for example).
In summary, these sites optimized for SEO forcing users to click on a host site before finding one that corresponds to it, constantly falling on items completely empty. And thus, some may get tired of Google.

Duplicate content
Another element that has not favored by Google, duplicate content.
It is logical to think that Google has no desire to see its front page filled with the same item but in 10 different sites. You should know that Google stores all dates for each page it finds on the net. He has a way to know who created the original article, which was copied.
According WebRankInfo Google's algorithm has been modified recently to increase the penalization of sites offering duplicate content, which is associated with this practice. Should therefore pay particular attention to offers to enroll in 1000 directories using the same description.

The long tail
Very often used by smaller sites because many less expensive, this method of SEO can position themselves for long exact phrases instead of a few common words and generic.
For a web agency, for example it is difficult to position on the term "website", the competition is fierce. However it is easier to position itself on "web site design ecommerce besancon" for example. Especially since the amount of traffic generated by expressions long tail is sometimes greater than that of an overused phrase.
Google does not encourage this process, preferring to focus on short phrases. His algorithm has changed in this direction in May 2010. However, other techniques exist, it is the job of SEO, finding expression not yet exploited.

Chrome the New Extension Blocks Sites From Google Search Results

Google wants to fight the "happy farm" at home with their latest expansion Chrome. If you do not know what a happy farm is a website that has thousands of items of poor quality tend to show up in your search results on Google, and it's harder to find reliable information on Google. With this new extension Google Chrome, the happy farm can be blocked and never pollute your search results. You can choose the type of areas to be blocked, and this allows Google to improve their search algorithm. Looks like it's a win-win solution for everyone, right?

Link Exchange and Thematic

The hyperlink, a key core SEO. Every webmaster knows, even at the beginning, only to rise in the SERP a site need links. Webmasters a little more experienced, will the quality rather than quantity of links. The thematic link, the panacea of ​​referrer?

A site of the same theme as yours is what?

  • A site positioned in the first 5 pages of Google for keywords that you try the position (See, for because of the sandbox effect, a site just to have a great potential that could be contrary to reflect its positioning, last bit of today being the first of tomorrow)

  • That contains your keywords in the title of its home page in the body of its pages ...

  • A site that receives links with your keywords as anchor.

  • And which contains your main or queries in the url

How to select partners for a link exchange?

  • Choose sites on Google using the criteria mentioned above

  • Consider the network link of your main competitors and try to get the same links.

Choose the anchor links pointing to your site strategically, indeed if your partner is trying to position itself on "cars" (and therefore already having links to its site with the anchor) will shortly be wise to choose the anchor for the link that will point to your site. You will benefit from this link, but also links that point to the site of your partner (Thematically speaking course)

Every external link added to your pages, add two links to internal pages of your site. The real thematic exchanges are often crossed, this has the effect of reducing (slightly) the influence of your link on the positioning of your partner. It is something gained.

Twitter and keyword in the tweet test (SEO)

For the past few weeks, Google has clearly communicated (well, like Google is communicating what ...) the fact that Twitter became one of the parameters that may impact the positioning of a web page.

I had the opportunity to make some observations to strengthen position in the SERP.

In addition, I wanted to test whether the keywords included regardless of the page in a tweet impacting referencing the url.


  • Very simple actually. A page was created (on our favorite parody site SEO Guaranteed)
  • Its URL was shortened with BitLy as is frequently the case.
  • On this page and in the tweet, we kindly ask retweet the original tweet (thank you to everyone who played the game). The tweet contained the following keywords placed before and after the URL included
  • Page does not contain the keywords, only Twitter has been tested.
  • It leaves a low heat for 3 weeks (retweet few extra), and there is.
  • Types into the search field of Google keywords individually, together, and ...

HTML for SEO: SEO Tips on page

HTML4SEO calculation for you the density of keywords found on a web page and compares it with the first 10 results on Google for the application referred to enhance your referencement. Contrairement other tools, html4seo scan your page and also analyzes all words keys present in the title tags, alt ... This software gives you a complete audit with areas for improvement to enable your site to position itself in the top 10 of Google.

The Meta Description Tag and Positioning Google

It's big news in the world of SEO, everyone had buried the meta keywords for a long time, but he remained sure about the meta description.Matt Cutts finally gives us an answer on this subject (as it was, nobody did not agree on this) telling us that Google does not use the Meta Description tag in the positioning of sites on Google! Here's the video and then the relevant part in the release of official blog.

Google Instant Search

I present the article Webrankinfo on the arrival of Google Instant Search (Instant Search by Google), a really comprehensive article that explains this new and different answers to questions you're likely to ask you about the impact that will now search traffic to your site (link later in the article). First, here are the presentation of "instant search Google" by Jonathan Effra, project manager at Google.

Positioning Tracking Online

Today I present a useful seo tool that allows you to save time in monitoring the positioning of your websites. Indeed, is an online tool that tracks the evolution of a site on different search engines and on all your keywords. He seeks the position of your site in the first 200 results unlike other tools that do only 100.

Here are the advantages of service:

* An updated daily
* Some constants proposed changes each week according to user feedback
* You follow your position but also that of your competitors
* Intuitive, complete and fully customizable
* myposeo automatically finds your keywords and your competitors
* Exported Reports Mixed and email
* linkage data from Google Analytics
* A friendly and responsive support
* Competitive prices compared to competition
* An online tool accessible from anywhere
* clean and professional reports for your clients
* A Comparative statistics: Innovative positioning / traffic generated!

Check out this service and try our free 15-day offered on