Everyone talks about it, Twitter continues his mad progress, and more to become a real addiction for some, twitter seems to encourage more and more interest from brands and artists and even But basically what the marketing possibilities of Twitter? Its limits? How to find a place and benefit for a brand? Follow the guide! (Test small synthetic)
Note : of course, the service is still "confidential" in France and is still not as mainstream in the U.S. but nothing beats a bit of projection and analysis of what is happening across the Atlantic.
What is Twitter? (For beginners)
In case you're wondering always the question, asking the basics: Twitter is a platform of " microblogging " . It is a tool to post short messages (maximum 140 characters) that includes a social function: the ability to track people (following) or be followed (Followers). Following someone and you receive all messages that position, and vice versa, your "followers" instantly receive the message you "
tweet" .
Why Twitter in a marketing strategy?
But after all, why Twitter? Why not consolidate his reputation online through Facebook or just its website rather than take the risk of diluting its message through social media for?
Twitter is its characteristic speed of propagation of a message, since twitter (or tweet) may be republished (retweeted) by another person in a single click. It was learned via Twitter the bombings in Mumbai, the burning of the CCTV Tower in China and is even on Twitter that the Milwaukee police moved quickly made announcements:
"Latest homicide in the city is NOT a random act. Male, 33, shot in 1500 block N. 39. More details as We Have Them. "
The uses for a business are many:
• Perform the previous day for a company or brand. With the rapid spread of a message on Twitter, you can react early and before it is too late to Bad Buzz, or where the image takes a hit (as we saw for Domino's Pizza recently for example). Twitter Search allows real-time monitoring what is said on a particular word or name.
• Follow a buzz . Using the same principle, Twitter allows one to monitor the impact of a campaign or message by measuring the number of messages on this campaign for example.
• Describe his target . Following the news of the followers of a mark, there is thus a fairly representative idea of what the target looks and what she likes.
• Building a dialogue . How do I know what potential customers will prefer? Simply asking them! By asking an open question via Twitter, and building a dialogue (see the 10 mistakes not to do on Twitter below) that will have the answer. Potential customers will also feel privileged to be involved in a step of creating a product.
• Improve the brand image . Scott Monty, Ford CEO said "I Believe That People Would Rather Have A Conversation with a personal Than a brand." To enable this custom dialog has just introduced s blog is personal and Twitter . Twitter allows for this special personalized and created a certain closeness between the mark and the public will be even beneficial! It is also an opportunity to rejuvenate the brand image through a differentiated communication.
• Promote content . Provided that there is content and that this is not a simple link to the Youtube video of the TV campaign for example. Twitter is viral, meaning it can convey a message (if it is original, effective or useful) very effectively for example through the retweets . It may on the same principle be used to make special announcements or promotions solely on Twitter as Dell does, with nearly 400,000 followers!
• Skip Twitter squatting . Like domain names, nicknames Twitter are quickly squatted by the crafty hoping to resell them at exorbitant prices. And Adidas , Levis and Nike are already taken by an individual.
• Relay event . The micro-blogging service can also be used to relay an event or sports results, as does its Cyberpresse Twitter . Rokia Traore has also twittering live music wins through You to You.
• Reduce costs . Finally, I conclude this list of advantages in cost, Twitter is free of course he will also have a much more personalized, efficient and relayed an e-mail.